📣 GraphQLConf 2025 • Sept 08-10 • Amsterdam • Early bird tickets available & sponsorship opportunities open • Learn more
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A GraphQL query language parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs.
An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler. Use as a standalone service or a Go library. Formerly super-graph.
GraphQL Java Generator
GraphQL Java Generator is a tool that generates Java code to speed up development for Client and Server of GraphQL APIs
  • GraphQL Java client: it generates the Java classes that call the GraphQL endpoint, and the POJO that will contain the data returned by the server. The GraphQL endpoint can then be queried by using a simple call to a Java method (see sample below)
  • GraphQL Java server: it is based on graphql-java (listed here above). It generates all the boilerplate code. You’ll only have to implement what’s specific to your server, which are the joins between the GraphQL types. GraphQL Java Generator is available as a Maven Plugin. A Gradle plugin is coming soon. Please note that GraphQL Java Generator is an accelerator: the generated code doesn’t depend on any library specific to GraphQL Java Generator. So, it helps you to start building application based on graphql-java. Once the code is generated, you can decide to manually edit it as any standard java application, and get rid of GraphQL Java Generator. Of course you can, and should, according to us :), continue using GraphQL Java Generator when your project evolves.
Browse Any Graph - A user-friendly viewer for any GraphQL service

Brangr - Browse Any Graph

  • Brangr is a simple, unique tool that any web server can host to provide a user-friendly browser/viewer for any GraphQL service (or many).

  • Brangr formats GraphQL results attractively, via a selection of user-configurable layouts. It lets users extract the generated HTML, and its source JSON. It provides a clever schema browser. It has built-in docs.

  • Brangr enables sites hosting it to present users with a collection of pre-fab GraphQL requests, which they can edit if desired, and let them create their own requests. And it allows sites to define custom CSS styling for all aspects of the formatted results.

  • Try it at the public Brangr site.


query {
  heroes(_layout: { type: table }) { # _layout arg not sent to service

Brangr renders the above query as follows (though not in a quote block):

First Last
Ford Prefect
A plugin based schema builder for creating code-first GraphQL schemas in typescript

GiraphQL makes writing type-safe schemas simple, and works without a code generator, build process, or extensive manual type definitions.

import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server"
import SchemaBuilder from "@giraphql/core"
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({})
  fields: t => ({
    hello: t.string({
      args: {
        name: t.arg.string({}),
      resolve: (parent, { name }) => `hello, ${name || "World"}`,
new ApolloServer({
  schema: builder.toSchema({}),
An interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE.
A command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows.
GraphQL Code Generator
GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom plugins and templates like Typescript (frontend and backend), React Hooks, resolvers signatures and more.
GraphQL Config
One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs).
GraphQL-ESLint integrates GraphQL AST in the ESLint core (as a parser).
Simple, pluggable, zero-dependency, GraphQL over HTTP spec compliant server, client and audit suite.
GraphQL Inspector
Compare schemas, validate documents, find breaking changes, find similar types, schema coverage, and more.
GraphQL Language Service
An interface for building GraphQL language services for IDEs (diagnostics, autocomplete etc).
GraphQL Live Query
Real-Time with GraphQL for any GraphQL schema or transport.
GraphQL Mesh
GraphQL Mesh allows you to use GraphQL query language to access data in remote APIs that don't run GraphQL (and also ones that do run GraphQL). It can be used as a gateway to other services, or run as a local GraphQL schema that aggregates data from remote APIs.
GraphQL Middleware
Split up your GraphQL resolvers in middleware functions.

GraphQL Middleware is a schema wrapper which allows you to manage additional functionality across multiple resolvers efficiently.


💡 Easy to use: An intuitive, yet familiar API that you will pick up in a second. 💪 Powerful: Allows complete control over your resolvers (Before, After). 🌈 Compatible: Works with any GraphQL Schema.

const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server")
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require("@graphql-tools/schema")
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
  hello(name: String): String
  bye(name: String): String
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: (root, args, context, info) => {
      console.log(`3. resolver: hello`)
      return `Hello ${args.name ? args.name : "world"}!`
    bye: (root, args, context, info) => {
      console.log(`3. resolver: bye`)
      return `Bye ${args.name ? args.name : "world"}!`
const logInput = async (resolve, root, args, context, info) => {
  console.log(`1. logInput: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`)
  const result = await resolve(root, args, context, info)
  console.log(`5. logInput`)
  return result
const logResult = async (resolve, root, args, context, info) => {
  console.log(`2. logResult`)
  const result = await resolve(root, args, context, info)
  console.log(`4. logResult: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`)
  return result
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers })
const schemaWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(schema, logInput, logResult)
const server = new ApolloServer({
  schema: schemaWithMiddleware,
await server.listen({ port: 8008 })
GraphQL Modules
GraphQL Modules lets you separate your backend implementation to small, reusable, easy-to-implement and easy-to-test pieces.
GraphQL Scalars
A library of custom GraphQL scalar types for creating precise, type-safe GraphQL schemas.
A GraphQL tool to ease the creation of permission layer.

GraphQL Shield helps you create a permission layer for your application. Using an intuitive rule-API, you’ll gain the power of the shield engine on every request and reduce the load time of every request with smart caching. This way you can make sure your application will remain quick, and no internal data will be exposed.

import { rule, shield, and, or, not } from "graphql-shield"
// Rules
const isAuthenticated = rule({ cache: "contextual" })(async (
) => {
  return ctx.user !== null
const isAdmin = rule({ cache: "contextual" })(async (
) => {
  return ctx.user.role === "admin"
const isEditor = rule({ cache: "contextual" })(async (
) => {
  return ctx.user.role === "editor"
// Permissions
const permissions = shield({
  Query: {
    frontPage: not(isAuthenticated),
    fruits: and(isAuthenticated, or(isAdmin, isEditor)),
    customers: and(isAuthenticated, isAdmin),
  Mutation: {
    addFruitToBasket: isAuthenticated,
  Fruit: isAuthenticated,
  Customer: isAdmin,
// Server
const server = new GraphQLServer({
  middlewares: [permissions],
  context: req => ({
    user: getUser(req),
GraphQL Tools
A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL tools (Schema and documents loading, Schema merging and more).
A library to query and manipulate GraphQL Introspection Query results.

Microfiber is a JavaScript library that allows:

  • Digging through your Introspection Query Results for a specific Query, Mutation, Type, Field, Argument or Subscription.
  • Removing a specific Query, Mutation, Type, Field/InputField, Argument or Subscription from your Introspection Query Results.
  • Removing Queries, Mutations, Fields/InputFields or Arguments that refer to Type that does not exist in - or has been removed from - your Introspection Query Results.
npm install microfiber
# OR
yarn add microfiber

Then in JS:

import { Microfiber } from "microfiber"
const introspectionQueryResults = {
  // ...
const microfiber = new Microfiber(introspectionQueryResults)
// ...do some things to your schema with `microfiber`
const cleanedIntrospectonQueryResults = microfiber.getResponse()
builds a powerful, extensible and performant GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in seconds; saving you weeks if not months of development time.
Generate REST API from your GraphQL API.
SpectaQL generates static HTML documentation from a GraphQL schema.

SpectaQL is a Node.js library that generates static documentation for a GraphQL schema using a variety of options:

  • From a live endpoint using the introspection query.
  • From a file containing an introspection query result.
  • From a file, files or glob leading to the schema definitions in SDL.

Out of the box, SpectaQL generates a single 3-column HTML page and lets you choose between a couple built-in themes. A main goal of the project is to be easily and extremely customizable—it is themeable and just about everything can be overridden or customized.

npm install --dev spectaql
# OR
yarn add -D spectaql
# Then generate your docs
npm run spectaql my-config.yml
# OR
yarn spectaql my-config.yml
Apollo Router
A configurable, high-performance routing runtime for Apollo Federation
Apollo Router Core

The Apollo Router Core is a configurable, high-performance graph router written in Rust to run a federated supergraph that uses Apollo Federation 2.

Apollo Router Core is free, source-available, well-tested, regularly benchmarked, includes most major features of Apollo Gateway and is able to serve production-scale workloads.

GraphOS Router

In conjunction with the Apollo GraphOS platform, GraphOS Router is the enterprise-grade runtime plane and a client’s entry point to your federated supergraph. Configure it to secure your supergraph, monitor and optimize performance, extend functionality, and more.

Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal.

Run gqt against your GraphQL endpoint. Build your query in an intuitive TUI and execute it. The response from the server is written to standard output.

gqt -e https://your.app.com/graphql
GraphQL Armor
The missing GraphQL security layer for Apollo GraphQL and Yoga / Envelop servers.
GraphQL Code Generator
GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom plugins and templates like Typescript (frontend and backend), React Hooks, resolvers signatures and more.
GraphQL Protect
GraphQL Protect is a GraphQL Protect is dead-simple yet highly customizable security proxy compatible with any HTTP GraphQL Server or Gateway.

GraphQL Protect helps you protect your GraphQL API against abuse by providing a large number of plug-and-play protection mechanism with sane defaults, while still allowing you complete customizability.

Getting started with GraphQL Protect is as simple as pulling the provided container, or running the binary directly, and supplying it with your configuration.

GraphQL Protect offers the following protection mechanism, and more:

  1. Trusted Documents (Persisted Operations)
  2. Max Aliases
  3. Max Tokens
  4. Max Depth
  5. Max Batch
  6. Block Field Suggestions
  7. Obfuscate upstream errors
  8. Enforce POST
  9. Access Logging
  10. … and more!

Protecting your GraphQL API against abuse has never been easier, start protecting your API today.

The full example can be found on GitHub.

Hive Gateway
Hive Gateway can act as a GraphQL federation gateway or a proxy for any GraphQL service.
Open source Kubernetes-native tool for API Mocking and Testing

Microcks is a platform for turning your API and microservices assets - GraphQL schemas, OpenAPI specs, AsyncAPI specs, gRPC protobuf, Postman collections, SoapUI projects_ - into live simulations in seconds.

It also reuses these assets for running compliance and non-regression tests against your API implementation. We provide integrations with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Tekton and many others through a simple CLI.

Generate types for GraphQL queries in TypeScript, Swift, golang, C#, C++, and more.
A modern API testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications.

Run Schemathesis via Docker against your GraphQL endpoint:

docker run schemathesis/schemathesis \
  run https://your.app.com/graphql

Schemathesis will generate queries matching your GraphQL schema and catch server crashes automatically. Generated queries have arbitrary depth and may contain any subset of GraphQL types defined in the input schema. They expose edge cases in your code that are unlikely to be found otherwise.

Note that you can write your app in any programming language; the tool will communicate with it over HTTP.

For example, running the command above against https://bahnql.herokuapp.com/graphql uncovers that running the { search(searchTerm: "") { stations { name } } } query leads to a server error:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Cannot read property 'city' of undefined",
      "locations": [
          "line": 1,
          "column": 28
      "path": ["search", "stations"]
  "data": null
WunderGraph is an open-source GraphQL Gateway that is able to compose Apollo Federation, GraphQL, REST APIs, Databases, Kafka and more.

WunderGraph composes all your APIs into a single unified GraphQL API and allows you to expose your Graph as a secure and type-safe JSON-RPC API.

To get started with WunderGraph, you can use create-wundergraph-app to bootstrap a new project:

npx create-wundergraph-app my-project -E nextjs-swr

On the client side, WunderGraph’s JSON-RPC API integrates very well with frameworks like Next.js, SWR and React Query, while one the backend, we’re able to leverage the power of “Server-Side-Only GraphQL”. Handle authentication, authorization, validation, joins and more right in the Query Layer.

mutation (
  $name: String! @fromClaim(name: NAME)
  $email: String! @fromClaim(name: EMAIL)
  $message: String! @jsonSchema(pattern: "^[a-zA-Z 0-9]+$")
) {
    data: {
      message: $message
      user: {
        connectOrCreate: {
          where: { email: $email }
          create: { email: $email, name: $name }
  ) {
    user {

The Query above requires the user to be authenticated, injects the user’s name and email from the JWT token and validates the message against a JSON Schema.

Here’s another example showcasing how we can use Server-Side GraphQL with WunderGraph’s unique join capabilities, composing data from two different APIs into a single GraphQL response.

query (
  $continent: String!
  # the @internal directive removes the $capital variable from the public API
  # this means, the user can't set it manually
  # this variable is our JOIN key
  $capital: String! @internal
) {
  countries_countries(filter: { continent: { eq: $continent } }) {
    # using the @export directive, we can export the value of the field `capital` into the JOIN key ($capital)
    capital @export(as: "capital")
    # the _join field returns the type Query!
    # it exists on every object type so you can everywhere in your Query documents
    _join {
      # once we're inside the _join field, we can use the $capital variable to join the weather API
      weather_getCityByName(name: $capital) {
        weather {
          temperature {
          summary {

The full example can be found on GitHub.